Robin Fleck, M.D.  928-778-7000  Board Certified Dermatologist







Best Diet To Be Healthy

From the work of Steffanson, Page, Price, Audette and others, as well as the results of the human experimental model called vegetarianism, it is clear that the human diet should consist of animal protein, fat, and seasonal, unrefined carbohydrate.  Human metabolism is wrecked by the modern custom of eating a high carbohydrate diet with grains, potatoes, beans and dairy, since insulin levels are not maintained at steady levels, leading to the chronic diseases of diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer and autoimmune conditions.

The basis of human health requires a return to a diet of animal protein and fat (the closer to raw, the better), supplemented with very occasional fruit and vegetables.  It goes without saying that all processed foods (grain, pasta, bread), dairy, sugar, salt, natural and artificial flavorings, sweeteners, preservatives, additives and pesticides all detract from health.  At a minimum, all sweeteners, starches, and grains should be avoided to achieve better health.

Given that availability of such a diet is becoming more difficult to obtain, it’s not surprising that we are witnessing a raft of chronic diseases our grandparents did not have.  Many studies have shown that within one generation, healthy aborigines developed dental caries, cancer, and diabetes eating our “civilized” diet.

Since it may be impossible to obtain such a healthy diet in today’s environment, some supplements may be beneficial.  These include Vitamin D3 and K2, and the amino acids, arginine and citrulline.


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