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Granuloma Annulare

What is Granuloma Annulare?

Granuloma annulare is a raised, bumpy, or ring-shaped lesion, which occurs twice as often in women as in men.  It can be itchy or painful or have no symptoms at all.  A biopsy is sometimes required to make the diagnosis since the rash can mimic fungal infection or other more serious skin problems.

What can be done for this condition?

Topical cortisone creams are usually effective in clearing the lesions and the itching but they must be used for some time.  Occasionally, higher potency cortisone creams can cause skin atrophy so therapy should be monitored by a dermatologist.  Once the lesions disappear, the cortisone cream shuld be discontinued.

Will this condition recur?

The course of disease is variable.  Sometimes lesions disappear spontaneously without treatment or come and go.  In other patients, the lesions persist and require strong cortisone creams for therapy.

What is the cause of this condition?

The cause is unknown although it may represent an allergic reaction to something.  There is no known association with internal disease.


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