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Spider Vein Treatment
Spider Vein Treatment with Sclerotherapy Injection

Sclerotherapy is the preferred method for eliminating spider veins (telangiectasiae) and smaller varicose leg veins. For small, faint spider veins, VBeam laser therapy may also be used. 

Multiple injections of dilute sclerosing agent are injected into the abnormal red, blue or purple spider veins of the involved leg. The patient's leg is then compressed with prescription stockings that are worn for 1 week after treatment. Patients are encouraged to walk regularly during that time. The patient usually requires at least 2-3  treatment sessions separated by several weeks to significantly improve the appearance of their leg veins.

Injecting the unwanted veins with the sclerosing solution causes the target vein to immediately shrink, and then dissolve over a period of weeks as the body naturally resorbs the treated vein.

Side effects of treatment may include pain and swelling of the leg for a few days after injection. Rarely, skin ulceration or brown hyperpigmentation may occur.  In women taking estrogen-containing drugs, the formation of tiny, new blood vessels in the treated area can occur within a month after treatment but usually resolves spontaneously by 6 months.  VBeam laser can be used to treat these tiny vessels.

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